Lucy was VERY excited to invite Mimi and I to her "Muffins for Moms" Mother's Day celebration at her school this spring. She talked about it for weeks and weeks!
Mrs. Rogerson helped the children make cards, potted flowers, and poems for their Moms.
The preschoolers even helped bake the muffins!
Lucy's excitement can be seen in her SMILE!
The little program was wonderful! And in true Lucy style she knew every single word and every single movement.
We ended the morning presenting Mother Mary with flowers. (The preschoolers weren't so sure about kneeling on the stone.)
Mimi and Mommy love you, Lucy!
What a special morning with the sweetest little girl I know!
Our family traveled to Perrysburg 3 weekends in a row in April! Gigi's 90th birthday party, Anneliese's 4th birthday party, Easter, Jay's UM graduation.... We are lucky to be close to home so we can join in the special celebrations!
What fun! We are blessed to have been able to join in the special events in April. But boy, we are tired of traveling! Luckily, summer is here! Time to enjoy the time off and relax!
The Burrows hosted a fun-filled, bounce house crazy, awesome birthday party for Eddie and Mary-Claire. The cousins all had a blast!
The bounce house was clearly the highlight of the party!
What an awesome party idea!
Eddie was a pro in no time!
I'm 2! Watch out world, here I come!
Eddie even found the basketball hoop inside...
A beautiful day to celebrate Eddie!
Julia and I had a blast planning and prepping for the big party!
The smash cakes were adorable! Eddie is 2. Mary-Claire is 1.
Eddie was a little ham while eating his cake. And Miss Mary-Claire was gentle and calculated!
Present time was a bit like Christmas morning....WOW!
It was a fire truck kinda day for the birthday boy...