Tuesday, February 25, 2014

20 Months Old

My name is Eddie.  I am 20 months old.  If I don't get my way, I will make sure you hear about it.

Oh toddlers! ( I think this particular tantrum stemmed from Mommy saying he couldn't go down to the basement to play until after dinner.)  He sure has a rough life!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fun in the Snow!

We have two little snow bunnies.  They can't get enough playing in the snow...Untitled

Love these two!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ehrmin Company Love!

The Ehrmins in Columbus sending their love to Beba.

We LOVE The Ehrmin Company!
(Especially all the "long distance" work they do in Granville! ;) )

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Krispy Kreme Date

On a cold Saturday morning in February we drove to Krispy Kreme in Columbus.  Lucy and Eddie loved watching the "donut factory" make fresh donuts.

But, I think they loved the donuts even more!

Eddie thought the big cup with a straw was pretty great, too!
This is definitely a trip we will be making again soon.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday, LJE!

Happy Birthday to Lucy!  Mommy and Daddy love you so much.

Eddie loves you so much and thinks you are the best big sister ever!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Cake, Cake, and More Cake!

This is 1 of the MANY cakes Lucy had for her 4th Birthday!

Beba and Dee Dee came to celebrate over the weekend with Lucy and brought her a giant princess cookie cake!

Eddie thought all the celebration for Lucy was pretty awesome!


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Happy Birthday to Lucy!

We surprised Lucy with presents and decorations when she woke up on her 4th birthday!

She couldn't believe her eyes!

What a lucky girl!

First, she opened all her presents...

Then we moved into the kitchen for birthday donuts!  

Turning 4 is AWESOME!
We love you Lucy Josephine!

Birthday Party at St. Edwards!

Lucy was very excited to be snack helper on her birthday at preschool.  She brought watermelon, chex mix, and BIRTHDAY CAKE!

Obviously, the cake was a hit!

"Thank you God for good for blue skies over me, green grass below me, good friends beside me..."

"Thank you God for good friends beside me, and peace all over the world!  Amen!"
(Lucy sings every word and didn't miss a single hand motion of snacktime prayer!)

Lucy and Eddie also came to my classroom to share a birthday treat with my students.  My students LOVE E and L and had a great time celebrating together!
Lucy loved opening cards and present from the students.

What a special day for the birthday girl!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Disney On Ice with the Birthday Girl

We bought tickets to Disney on Ice "Princesses and Heroes" as a 4th birthday surprise for Lucy.

On the way to our big day...

A little Starbucks before the show.

She was so excited and told everyone that we saw for weeks. The show didn't disappoint.  She enjoyed every minute and also enjoyed the slush, popcorn, pizza, etc, etc, etc!

We even visited Daddy's office, Nationwide, across the street from the Arena.  She was full of questions and really enjoyed seeing where he works.

Daddy just got a new job, Senior Consultant in Cause Marketing, and moved to the 28th floor.
He has quite the view.

What a great day we had with our little birthday girl!