Friday, November 29, 2013

Traveling for Thanksgiving

Our family often spends some time in the car around the holidays.  This Thanksgiving we traveled to Perrysburg to see our family.  Luckily, Lucy and Eddie are quite the troopers in the car...

Playing with new toys while in Pburg is always fun.
E and L are lucky to have the best grandparents!

Hanging with Uncle Jay-Jay is always a good time.  Grapes "on the cob" are pretty great, too!

Denny went to the OSU/UM game that weekend.  So Mimi, Papa, and I carpooled and did a little tailgating with Jay before the game.
It was pretty cold and the fraternity was a little wild for us.  So we didn't last long.  But we had a blast with good snack and watching the game in Jay's awesome apartment!

And here we are headed back to Granville after a great, busy, family-filled Thanksgiving weekend!
(Naps, iPhones, iPads, Happy Meals, coffee, and snacks help to make the drives a bit more enjoyable for all involved.)

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We traveled to Perrysburg to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families!  Lucy and Eddie were very excited to see their grandparents and cousins and the week was a blast!

The Ehrmin gathering was first:

Dee Dee bought the grandkids matching outfits.

We posed for pictures in the morning!

Our Family!

Horse grooming...
Lucy and Grace really enjoyed playing with each other all weekend! They even went to their FIRST movie together, Frozen!!!

I had to snap some pictures to capture Eddie.  He wears 18 months old pretty well.....those curls too!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Ehrmin boys!

We traveled to Mimi and Papa's for another Thanksgiving that evening but I don't have a single picture.  It was a WONDERFUL meal, but running around Pburg I forgot the camera.

Thanks to the Ehrmin's and O'Bryants for hosting us.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Eddie's First Haircut

Oh Eddie, your curls!  They melt your mommy's heart.  But with winter approaching, cold weather and low humidity, that hair was getting in your face.  While I loved those curls, you weren't too fond of brushing hair out of your eyes all day.  IT WAS TIME FOR A HAIRCUT!

You reached for the sucker...

And never complained 1 second.  You enjoyed your sucker and behaved beautifully for your first haircut.

Boy was that hair long when she combed it out...

Your big sister stood by admiring your haircut and making sure you were okay...
You know she loves you A LOT!

"Mom, this isn't so bad after all!"

Your curls had their bounce back and your haircut was cuter than ever!

Lucy also snuck in a haircut while we were there.



Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween 2013

Trick or Treat was postponed a few days due to a rainy forecast.  So on Sunday, November 3rd we ventured around our new neighborhood in costumes!

We had Princess Ariel!!!

(Who willingly put on leggings, socks, and a sweater....yay!  Big success for her)

We also had Monkey Boy!!!

(Who had to be bribed with marshmallows to pose for a picture.)

Lucy agreed he was the cutest monkey around...and she couldn't keep her hands off him!

"Eddie, smile for the picture..."  Lucy is his second mommy.

"Fine, I'll take care of this....CHEESE!"

We headed outside to start the fun!
Eddie wasn't too impressed yet.  I don't think he knew about all the candy he was about to consume.

Lucy on the other hand, was ready to go!

"Now pose like Princess Ariel..."
HAHA!  Oh, Lucy!  You've got it going on girlfriend.

Happy Halloween 2013!