Saturday, September 14, 2013

Granville Apple Orchard

Fall has arrived! Cooler temperatures have come so it's apple picking time...

Lucy was a pro!  This is her 3rd time to an apple orchard.
This year she enjoyed searching the trees for the "perfect apple" before selecting just the right one.

Eddie couldn't believe his eyes and had a blast.

He ran from tree to tree, smiling at the success of each apple he found.

He wasn't picky and I will admit we caught him several times about to bite into a rotten apple that he had found in the grass. Luckily, he avoided the bee covered apples.

Sibling pose....this is about as good as we can get!

My boys!

After eating at least 20 apples each, the kids got silly!

Until next time....

Monday, September 2, 2013

Nicole, Our New Nanny

Our family has had many changes in the past month.  New house, Mommy returning back to work, Lucy starting school for the first time, and hiring a new nanny.

We love Nicole for the care she provides to Lucy and Eddie.  She arrives in the morning, so I can leave for work while the kids enjoy breakfast in their jammies.  She takes Lucy to preschool Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings and gives Eddie extra one-on-one care.  Lucy and Eddie get to nap and play in their own home during the day. Nicole is a special person to our family!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Moving, Moving, Moving...

This past year has been a whirlwind of moving for our family.  Luckily, we did survive and we have finally landed in our "HOME!"  Here's how it all played out for our family...

May 2012 - Edward was born.
Eddie's birth_120503_0023

August 2012 - we sold our first home in less than 1 month.
2843 Acarie Drive, Columbus, OH

August 2012 - we frantically searched for a place to rent in Granville and landed at a friend's barn.
4025 Grandview Rd, Granville, OH

November 2012 - we decided to rent a house in the village of Granville to help us in our coming decision of where to eventually buy. The house was on the same block as my school!
211 Sunrise Street, Granville, OH

September 2013 - we found a house to buy!
Our new HOME, 183 Bryn Du Drive, Granville, OH!

Oh the joys of moving, moving, moving....

We feel blessed to have landed in this home.  But wow, that sure was a crazy 16 months.  Thanks to our friends and family for helping us through it all! Now come visit us!