Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mrs. Ehrmin Welcomes Another Class

It is really hard to believe, but this is my 8th year teaching! I started with my first class in the fall of 2006.  Just 3 months after graduating from Miami.  We were engaged and planning a winter wedding.  Wow, so much has happened in the past 8 years...

Here's to another year of sweet 3rd graders!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

"Meet The Teacher" at St. Edward's!

On Sunday Lucy was able to go to her preschool, St. Edward's, for "Meet the Teacher!"  She was so excited about this day and we talked about it all week long!

She was all dressed up, bow in her hair, and ready to go well before it was time!  She even posed in the yard for a few pictrues!

There's always time to "stop and smell the flowers" in Lucy's world.

My three year old is getting so big!

Posing outside the preschool!

Inside she met her teacher, went on a scavenger hunt, said hello to classmates, and posed with the number 6 for February 6th, her birthday!

She loved the lit table with magnetic blocks.

Happy starting Preschool Day to our Lucy!  We are so excited for you to start your school adventure.  Mommy and Daddy love you.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

My 15 Month Old Baby!

Oh, Eddie!  You are the sweetest, lovable baby boy in the whole world.

Mommy loves you so much!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Whole Family Photoshoot!

Look at the 7 beautiful grandchildren!

With the best Mimi and Papa in the WORLD!
All together on Papa's birthday! :)

The whole family... Wow, we are so blessed!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mudhens Game

While the Peshke family was visiting from Florida we all went to a Mudhens Game together!  They rented a suite for the game and it was a blast.  The kids could eat, play, and run around all they wanted.  The cousins had a great time together and the adults too!

Eddie rocked the stroller for the start of the game..
Then enjoyed the most of the evening on my back!
My little lover boy.

Eddie also enjoyed popcorn fresh off the ground.
Mother of the Year Award! :)

Jackson and Elisabeth really enjoyed playing together while they were in town. Our big five year olds!

Gigi even joined us for the fun!

Cotton candy was a hit!  SO GOOD :)

The four siblings!

Someone was a little shocked when Muddy came right in our suite!

The kids loved him!

Well, the three year olds ran right to Papa's arms.

The Mudhens game was a blast!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Granville Bike Race

The Pelotonia Bike Race came through uptown Granville this Saturday.  This is a race with the goal to end cancer, all money raised goes to The James at The Ohio State University. "One Goal" is the motto.  Cancer survivors and current cancer patients and their families race together.  Granville residents lined Broadway Street to cheer on the racers! Church bells rang, people cheered, and bikers waved!  Lucy and Eddie had a blast joining the fun.

Lucy rode her bike uptown to see the race.  We have our own bike rider now!

We also made time to stop at the Farmer's Market for some fresh lemonade!

Eddie had fun, too!  He is such a little charmer.  Those curls, those big brown eyes, and THAT SMILE!