Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ehrmin's Annual July 4th Party!

Another fun day at the Ehrmin's July 4th Party!

The girls enjoyed the pool and splashed until half the water was gone!

Eddie chilling with Dad post nap.


Eddie was thrilled that he can walk this year and we spent the party chasing him.  Wild man!
"Catch ya later!"

Eddie loves to be outside!
"Mr. Independent" is quite the appropriate shirt for him right now.

Ethan is still crawling and allowed me to capture some cute pictures.  I just love his big, beautiful eyes and bald head.

Aunt Megan and Ethan!

Kevin and Gracie playing in the yard...

Unfortunately, it was a VERY RAINY day.  With horrible downpours....the girls enjoyed it though!
They ran from the tent to the baby pool 100 times.  Laughing and screaming the whole way!  At least they enjoyed the rain, while the rest of us sat inside!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4th in Michigan

We traveled to Corrie and Sean's lake house to celebrate July 4th with the Peshke family.  The kids had a blast enjoying the water, beach, boat, and toys.


Cousins Ashton and Carter were there to join in the fun.

We started the day without lifejackets and realized this wasn't the best idea as the girls got adventurous  They were more than willing to play in the lifejackets later in the day.

My water baby...he couldn't get enough of the water and rocks.

Eddie was the life of the party, as usual.  Always charming!!!

Mommy and Eddie!

The rocket launcher toy was a hit.

As the evening went on, the girls figured out how to work it all on their own!

Eddie took a liking to Uncle Rob!

Eddie adores Elisabeth and I think the feeling are mutual! :)

Relaxing in the shade!

It was great to see Grandma Peshke...

and Dad and Nancy were also in town!

Ellie and Carter stopped to pose!

Even after the showers the girls were back in the sand.  Anneliese and Lucy love playing together.

We had a great day at the lake.  Now we are all looking forward to a lake vacation at the end of the month!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Granville 4th of July

Granville puts on quite the show for July 4th!  They close down the main street and have a 3 day carnival uptown, a parade, and a great fireworks show.  We were headed to Perrysburg for most the 4th holiday but we decided to stay and enjoy the first day of the Granville fun!

We arrived uptown just as the rides and food trucks were opening.  Lucy couldn't believe her eyes!

The Merry-Go-Round was the first thing we found and Lucy was so excited!

We walked the main street to buy our wristband and check out the excitement.

The food was typical, AMAZING fair food.  Lucy was in heaven!

Eddie rocked out in the stroller most the day.  He wasn't too fond of the loud rides and it was approaching naptime.  He was a good sport!

Measuring up to get ride tickets!

While buying our ride wristband we ran into some friends.  The kids instantly joined hands and were off for some fun!  We are blessed to have such great friends.

First ride....DRAGON ROLLERCOASTER! We quickly realized this was a bad call, it was fast and very jerky.

Abby helping Lucy buckle in!

Lucy was not a fan, but luckily was brave and willing to try the other rides.  "I don't want to ride the dragon again!"

The cars and motorcycles were much more fun!
Lucy and Abby & Connor and Emma.

The Merry-Go-Round was a hit.

Then came the FUNHOUSE!!!

It was a hot day, but we were happy the rain held off.  It was a very rainy July 4th in Ohio this year.

There wasn't a single ride Lucy wasn't willing to try.  Yes, that is Lucy on the far left. Can you spot her? Just smiling and waving for the HAPPY SWING ride!

We hope in future years to enjoy all the July 4th events Granville has to offer!  Happy 4th!