Saturday, September 29, 2012

"I want a horse!"

We are going to hear this request a lot in our future...


The McCutchan's are the most wonderful, loving, fun family.  They always include Lucy in the fun, whether it is walking the horses out to the pasture, or feeding the horses, or going for horse RIDES!!! They are just wonderful.

As soon as Lucy saw Sam on Jimmy, she had to have a ride too!

Lili (Mrs. McCutchan) helped her with the large helmet!

And then the ride began...

Lucy couldn't get enough.  She loves Jimmy so much!

Here is a cool panorama shot of the McCutchan's property.  We have enjoyed calling this home for a few months!
McCutchan Barn_120929_0001-2

Friday, September 28, 2012

Eddie's First Food

Eddie had his first baby cereal on September 16, 2012!

He wasn't so sure what to think about it at first...

We had a few gags...

But in true Eddie style, we ended with smiles!

Beba and Grandma Dee Dee were lucky to be in town to help with the first feeding!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Great Granville Picnic

The Great Granville Picnic is an event at the end of August, before the start of a school year, where the community has a giant picnic together.  Tables are decorated for the yearly theme, there are bounce houses for the kids, and lots of good food and fun!

We were excited to join in the fun this year with friends.
Baby June

James and Baby James

Lucy and Will playing catch...

...or fetch as Lucy would throw the play away from Will!

Good food and good drinks!

The Great Granville Picnic was FUN!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

First Day of School 2012-2013

The first week of school also happened to be moving week this year!  It was quite the week to say the least!

The start of my 7th year of teaching at Granville Elementary School!

We only had 1 week of the commute from Gahanna to Granville this year.
We were excited to move to Granville so the kids wouldn't have to spend so much time in the car every day.

And the start of another year with Megan!

Oh how we love Trevor and Aubrey!

Happy 2012-2013 School Year!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Living in THE BARN!

One year ago we never would have guessed that we would be moving to Granville in late August.  Even more so, that we would not find a home to move into and that we would be moving into a BARN!  Life is funny sometimes, and we are trying to enjoy the ride for what it has to offer!

With quite a housing dilemma  we found ourselves moving into barn apartments my first week back to school.  It was a crazy few weeks to say the least, but we survived   Even better - we are really enjoying the barn and living in Granville!

A wonderful parent of a previous student emailed me, at just the right time, offering their barn apartments to us while we looked for something more permanent. (2 apartments that are adjoined and we are renting both.) I was relieved to have an offer but thought it wouldn't probably work for our family.  But we decided to go see the apartments and I'm so glad we did!  They are wonderful, new, spacious, and in a beautiful setting.

We love the place we are calling home for now...OUR BARN!

We love it here.


This is a great place for our family to live and we are glad we decided to live her awhile.

Monday, September 17, 2012

16 Weeks Old!

Happy 4 Months to Edward Dennis!
16 weeks

What a crazy 4th month you had!  We moved from Gahanna to Granville.  You did great and continue to be a happy, cheerful baby boy.

We also visited Dr. Kern for your 4 month check-up
Your stats at 4 months:

Head: 17 inches (75%)
Length: 26 inches (85%)
Weight: 14 lbs. 14 oz. (50%)

You are such a healthy, growing boy!  You are much bigger than your sister was at this age.

Dr. Kern also gave us the go ahead to try rice cereal.  So you have some fun things coming your way!  Once our life slows down a little, we plan to try it out! I can't wait to sit you in the Bumbo and give food a try.  I'm sure you will have so much fun with it.

Thanks for being so patient with us during the move.  We can't wait for all the fun our family will have in our new town of Granville.

15 Weeks Old!

Our chubby, happy baby boy.
15 weeks
Happy 15 Weeks!

14 Weeks Old!

Mr. Eddie at 14 Weeks Old!
14 weeks

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Burrows Visit!

Last weekend the Burrows came to Granville to see our new "home" and visit.  Lucy ADORES her Craig, Julia, Ellie, and Nana and talks about them all the time.

She was in her hey-day with them in town and loved showing off her barn! And chickens...

We had lots of fun and the weather was great!  Out to eat, walking around the village, going to the playground...

Eddie got lots of attention!
He is quite the charmer at 4 months old! :)

The toddlers loved the swings.

Thanks for the visit!  We would love to have you all back soon.