What a fun month this has been so far. Lucy is 22 months old and changing every.single.day. The biggest change I have noticed is in her vocabulary. Not a day goes by that she doesn't say a new word.
Recent new words/phrases include:
-"Santa says "Ho, Ho, Ho"
-"Birthday Party for Jesus" (Yes, this totally shocked us. Megan had told her they were going to a Birthday Party for Jesus at Aubrey's school and Lucy wanted to tell us about it. ha!)
-"It's Cold"
-"No want to sleep now"
-"Daddy at work?"
-"Want to watch iPad show"
-"No Milk, want WaWa"
Also, in other BIG NEWS.....LUCY HAD HER FIRST SUCCESS ON THE POTTY THIS MORNING! We have been experimenting (a.k.a playing on the potty) for a few months. This morning she pulled my hand towards the hallway and said "potty!" I assumed she wanted to sit and play with the toilet paper again. But we tried...and minutes later, after playing with the toilet paper for awhile, she tinkled on the potty! Denny had just wanted in and she looked at us with so much pride! It was the cutest moment! We wiped, flushed, washed hands, and ran totally naked to the kitchen for M-Mies. (a.k.a M&M's.) I am convinced this little girl with have much future success if M-Mies are on the line!
Megan shared some pictures with me from Aubrey's Preschool Christmas Program! Here the girls are getting ready to leave.
And at the show she sat on Brian's lap. She adores Brian and I often arrive to pick her up from the Crumley's and her and Brian are running around the house. She likes men...a lot....I know,we are in for some trouble!

Here Lucy is doing the hand motions with the preschoolers. Megan told me there were moments she was spot on with the song. Haha! Lucy, sorry we are not ready for you to go to preschool yet!
Aubrey is such a sweetie. We are lucky to have such a nice playmate for Lucy during the day.
In other BIG NEWS, Wednesday is our 20 weeks ultrasound. It is hard to believe I am 5 months into this pregnancy. I am starting to feel the baby daily and Denny has also been able to feel the kicks. We are very excited and nervous to see our little baby. We are praying for a healthy, kicking, little baby. We will also find out gender.....hmmmmmm? Guesses? (Let me know so I can update this for baby #2.)
Uncle Craig
Uncle Tim
Aunt Julia
Aunt Megan
"Aunt" Melanie
Aunt Jenny