Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy 4th Anniversary!

Yesterday we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary! While we've been together 9 years...but it seems like just yesterday we were getting married at St. Rose on that winter day.

Last night, Laura and Canon watched Lucy while we went to dinner and a movie! We had a great night out together.

It is hard to believe our winter wedding was in 2006! What a special day that was! :) Thank you to everyone who helped make our wedding so special.

Carranor was the perfect reception site. We'll always remember the beautiful night!

"Save The Last Dance For Me!"

I'm a Big Girl Now!

Lucy thinks she pretty cool now that she takes a bath in the BIG TUB!

"Check out my new bath toys!"

"Why are you taking pictures of me?"

Modeling her new piggy towel that she got from Aunt Susan for Christmas!

"CHEESE!" (This may be one of the last pictures of Lucy's smile with only 2 teeth. The top two are ready to POP!)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

1st Christmas!

We spent Lucy's first Christmas in Perrysburg with our families! We enjoyed time visting with everyone, eating great meals, opening wonderful gifts, and just relaxing. Unfortunately, Lucy was recovering from an ear infection all week and was NOT herself at all. Poor thing wouldn't eat, couldn't sleep well, and just wasn't able to play/interact like normal.

We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Eve at Mimi and Papa's house!
(notice sick Lucy :( )

Christmas day was spent with the Ehrmin's!

Cousin Gracie also enjoyed her first Christmas.

Denny's cousins Leslie and Drew came for the day!

Aunt Sue and Uncle Tom also enjoyed the day together.

Lucy was spoiled by all her aunts, uncle, cousins, and grandparents and great-grandparents! We have more toys, clothes, and books than we know what to do with!

'Do I really have to try this scarf on?"

Continuing with a special Christmas tradition, Mimi and I did lots of backing together!

My favorite this year are the little Frosty cutouts! So cute!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We look forward to another great year and all that 2011 will bring us!

After a few days with a sick baby, we decided to come back to Columbus early on Monday to get Lucy into the doctor. She had had a minor allergic reaction to the amoxicillin(rash all over, diarrhea, not appetite, etc) and Dr. Kern also noticed her top teeth are about to poke through. The combo of those two things = unhappy baby! The worst of all was her lack of appetite and unwillingness to drink her bottles for several days! (She had her Mom pretty worried!) Luckily, by today she was back to herself, rash was almost gone, she was sleeping well again, and her appetite is back. Those weren't a fun few days but we are glad she's feeling better now!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Enjoying Lazy Days...

Lucy and I have enjoyed the past days spent together. It has been quite cold so we rarely ventured out but instead spent time playing, reading, cooking, baking, and eating.

Now-a-days Lucy loves to:


*turn the pages

*search head first in her toy box

*practice standing

*using toys as walkers

*playing with anything that moves, turns, or makes noises

*climbing onto her chair

*and then standing ( I quickly got her down because this made me too nervous!)

*walking along all the furniture

*and eating!

--I asked her to give me a cheeser and this it what I got!

LOL!!!! :)

*Oh, and helping Mom with the laundry!

Lucy you are such a fun, happy, active and loving 10 month old. I love this time we get to spend together over Christmas Break.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Early Mornings...

Lucy has been in a set routine for sometime now. She has a bath around 7:00 and is asleep by 7:30ish. She then wakes up anytime around 6:00-6:30 am ready for a bottle. Okay, "ready" is an understatement. She wants a bottle NOW when she wakes up :)

Most mornings she has the bottle in bed with us and often falls back asleep with us. My favorite thing is the way she finishes her bottle, rolls over to my face, cuddles in and falls asleep. I often find myself at the very edge of the bed, but I'll do anything to get another 30 minutes of sleep with my baby!

Denny captured this picture earlier this week when he was leaving for work and we were fast asleep...haha!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jay!

Jay turned 19 this weekend! It is hard to believe my baby brother is starting his second semester in college and is already 19 YEARS OLD!

He is the best brother, son, friend, and grandson anyone could ask for! We are so proud of him and all he has accomplished in his 19 years.

And the BEST UNCLE around :)

We love you so much and can't wait to celebrate with you this week. Lucy told me she wants to "walk" and "play" with you lots this week!

Look at that form......hahah

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Last December..

...we were eagerly awaiting the arrival of our baby girl!

I was growing every day and we were so excited to meet her!

Last year...

One year later, she is here to celebrate WITH US!

We feel very blessed this Christmas season!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Meeting Santa!

Monday evening we went to Easton to meet SANTA! Lucy was in a great, cheerful mood and eagerly waited in line.

She didn't know what was coming! HA! But really she did very well with him.

She just checked him out...."Who are you?"

She even gave us half a smile! :)

Lucy did pretty well for her first meeting with the big, hairy guy!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Seeing a Snowstorm for the First Time!

The first real snow each year always seems a bit magical....even more so when you get to take your baby outside to see it for the first time!

Lucy just looked around in amazement, stuck her tongue out, and said "dadadada", as usual! Check out this video of Lucy looking around at the white stuff falling...

Untitled from Frances Ehrmin on Vimeo.

It is still snowing as we speak, Lucy is sound asleep in bed in her "Baby's 1st Christmas" red pj's, and a chicken is roasting in the oven....ohhhh how I love winter! (The news is also running school delays on the bottom of the screen....LOVE)

10 Months Old!

Lucy Josephine is now 10 Months Old!


Hmm...what's this?

Her hair is really starting to come in. Those blue eyes are shining. And she still just has two teeth on the bottom but we think a few more are on their way!

She is changing every single day, somewhat in her size and looks, but mostly in her gross motor skills. She no longer sits contently and plays with her toys. She quickly crawls around the room, pulls her self up on everything, and even tries some steps every now and again. Her crawling speed has really taken is the cutest thing because she is so darn tiny!

Untitled from Frances Ehrmin on Vimeo.

(sorry this is sideways - I need to figure out how to turn it!)

Walking is also TO DIE FOR...that tiny body takes the wobbliest steps. And then she smiles in delight because she is just so proud of herself! The most she has done on her own is about 10 steps from one couch to the other. She can walk a long time holding Daddy's hands or using a walker toy! (Speaking of - she tried one for the first time at Emma's house in Cleveland and acted like she'd been using one for years. HA!)---video coming

She still is a total Daddy's girl...

Lucy is continuing to fall asleep on her own in the evenings and every once and awhile for naps. Just the other day I put her in the crib to play while I got in the shower. I heard her humming to herself and kicking her feet and 2 minutes later this is what I found....
My heart melted! :)

New stats:
Bedtime: 7:30ish
Wake Up Time: 6:00-7:00am
Bath: everyday at 7:00ish
Naps: 2-3x/day for a total of 2 hours/day (napping continues to not be so great...but we can always count on a good hour or so around 4:00pm)
Bottles:3 x at school 5oz each. Lucy also stopped nursing this month.
Food: solids at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She continues with Stage 2 foods. Her favorites are Bananas, Apple, and Pears, Farmer's Market Veggies, and Spring Veggies with Mixed Grain. She has begun to like applesauce too! YoBaby yogurt is still a fav. She also loves finger foods like cheerios, puffs, rice mum-mums, and bread! Speaking of bread....she says "mmmm, mmmm, mmmm..." with every bite of bread...I've got to get this on video. She loves her carbs.
Firsts: taking her very first steps earlier this month!!!!!, getting a big ol' bruise on her face(her first but NOT last one), crawling with lots of speed, standing up on everything with NO HANDS, saying "Dada," "Gagaga," "Mama," and "Baba" "yum" and "mmmm" when she eats, and dancing when we sing.
Favorite Toys: Let's just be honest....stickers, cell phones, tissues, remotes, ipad, and cameras all pretty much rock her world! (Just in case you were wondering what to get her for Christmas - ha!)

Modeling a scarlet and gray hat(and her first bruise on her face) that Kim knit her!

"Ok, can I get this off now?"
(This picture cracks me up every time I see it!)

Hmm....looks like someone has also learned how to get her way this month! Oh Lucy!