Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weddings, Weddings, Weddings!

This Summer and coming Fall are full of weddings! Most exciting will be this Fall when I will be a bridesmaid in Laura and Canon's wedding October 17th and then again in Melanie and Zack's wedding October 24th! Let's just hope I ordered dresses big enough to fit the "baby bump" that I will be growing :)

This past week Laura's invitations arrived so she had a little "Invitation Stuffing" party. Her gorgeous invites are from William Arthur in navy and granny smith apple green! Our only concern was the crazy amount of tissue paper that came with the invites.....seriously, there was a piece for each card totally 4 different sized tissue papers. We went to town layering each card with tissue paper but wondered the whole time, "Are we really suppose to use this much tissue paper?" What do you all think?

Here are pictures of our Invitation Party! Aren't they beautiful invites!?!


Here are the piles of tissue paper....


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Due Date...

The ultrasound and doctor's appointment went GREAT this morning! The ultrasound tech was the most gentle, kind, loving woman any patient could ever ask for. She acted as if seeing our baby was the cutest thing she has ever seen and like she doesn't do ultrasounds all day long every single day at work.

Denny took a picture of me with his Blackberry after the ultrasound!

The baby was kicking and waving throughout and we got awesome pictures. The baby measures 2 1/2 inches and we could see arms, legs, toes, fingers, and face profile. The eyes, nose and mouth were soooo clear!

Here are a few pictures! (Sorry about the quality I had to take a picture of a picture)

...and last is the baby's little arm and hand! Check out the little fingers :)

After the ultrasound, we had an appointment with Dr. Atwood and she has changed the due date from February 1st to February 7th. Looking at the size of the baby in the first ultrasound and the ultrasound from today she thinks I am more like 11 weeks along not 12. I was a little bummed at first because this means a few more weeks of morning sickness but its all worth it!

So the new due date is --- 2/7/2010!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wednesday ultrasound

This Wednesday I have a 12 week ultrasound @ 8:00 a.m.! We are very excited to see the baby again and get a confirmation on our due date! Look for pictures of the little one from the ultrasound :) Also, say a prayer for me making it to the appointment without throwing up. Early morning are really rough for me right now and I'm hoping the morning will go okay!

We bought a crib!!!

I've always loved looking through the newest Potterybarn Kids catalog each season. Each time picking the beautiful, white sleigh bed type crib as my favorite. For the past month or so I've been looking at local stores, websites, Craigslist, garage sales, etc to see if I could find a crib. My mom, mother-in-law, sister-in-law Emily and others were also on the lookout for me! (THANKS!)

Well, I found EXACTLY what I wanted on Craigslist. I was so excited! I asked if the woman could send me pictures and when I she sent me this picture I was SOLD!
She bought the cribs for her twins in 2007 from a local baby boutique and no longer has a need for both. Denny and I went to her house (adorable home in Bexley) to make sure they were in good condition and minutes later they were loaded in the back of my CRV! :) I have to give a big thanks to Denny for this because as he was loading them into my car it was literally raining cats and dogs. The woman offered to let us come back another day to get them because their entire driveway was flooded and the rain was not slowing down. But Denny knew how much I wanted the crib so he kindly loaded it in the rain!

Here is a picture of the crib from the website! I can't wait to setup the nursery!

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Denny, I think I'm going to.........."

Over the 4th of July holiday I went to Perrysburg to visit with Jon, Jenny, and Jackson who were in from Florida and then rest of the family. It was great to see everyone, especially Elisabeth and Jackson playing together! We had one fun afternoon at Belmont Pool where we enjoyed the pool, although I'm pretty sure J and E would say the playground was the best! :) During the weekend we also had a chance to catch up with Denny's friends during Nick and Jenna Cron's wedding.


I returned to Columbus Tuesday afternoon greeted with a text from Denny, "We need to do the blood test tonight." Blood test, you wonder....well not exactly, just a finger prick sample that requires 5 small dots of blood. So after dinner, Papa John's pizza and kool-aid, I sat down at the kitchen table and said "Denny, just do it while I look away and I'll be fine." So Denny began with an extremely painful poke to the finger and then THE TROUBLE BEGAN! My finger WOULD NOT BLEED ENOUGH! So Denny was basically squeezing, pulling, rubbing my entire arm and hand to get the smallest drop of blood. All of this started to get to me and I told Denny that I was starting to get "hot and dizzy." He suggested I just sit down but that did NOT work. Seconds later, missing the trash can, I made it to the kitchen sink to throw up my wonderful dinner, pizza and kool-aid. Denny stood next to me as I "lost my dinner" and I remember yelling at him "Here's my hand, keep getting blood" as I continued to throw up in the sick! HAHA! Luckily, minutes later we were finished with the 5 blood samples and I spent the rest of the night on the couch being toted on by Denny :) Oh the joys of pregnancy and "morning sickness!"

Well there it is...I hope you all got a laugh from this story!!! :)

*Morning Sickness Update*
The fun continues! Although I do think some days are better than others. If I keep something in my stomach, literally every 30 minutes, then I am able to keep it under control. Half way through this post, while uploading the pictures, I had to stop and eat some raspberries (yum!) as I felt "IT" coming on! :(

Sunday, July 12, 2009

....bad blogging

Okay, so I'll admit I've not been so good at this whole blogging thing this past week. I have LOTS of stories and news to share (we got a crib!) so check back this week for a few promised updates! :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Michigan Wedding Weekend

This past weekend we went to Plymouth, Michigan for Denny's cousin Patrick's wedding. All of the events were located the the Inn at St. John's and it was such a beautiful day!


As always, we stopped in Toledo to spend some time with Elisabeth!